Thursday, July 24, 2008

Video of projection tests in Milagro Theatre 7_23_08

Hi DP kids, here are some images from our video projection tests at Milagro yesterday. Sorry they are all so dark. If you can't view them, scroll down to the end because I added some still photos that are brighter and easier to see. Cheers, Sibyl

This clip is taken with the Mini DV camera so zooming is possible.

These one shows a day to night lighting sequence.

These videos below are taken with a tiny spy camera which allows us to get closer and still focus on the pieces.

These were videos that Chris and I took a few weeks ago. They are projected right on the set model obviously. The set is not going to have that desert image, but it helps to see how the video plays out over the stage. And, they are a lot brighter.

We liked the colors that were projected by zooming way into the cactus with the flowers:

Still images in case you can't see the video since it's so dark!

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